10 Vessels by TORTUS… Glazes by GAYA
with Eric Landon and Gaya staff

July 15-28, 2018

Join TORTUS Copenhagen founder, Eric Landon, on his Bali debut.  Sure to be an inimitable experience, this pottery legend will lead participants in forming 10 distinct vessel types—imbuing each vessel with the comprehensive and unique technical and aesthetic approach he applies at the wheel to make all of his works.  The first week of the workshop will explore the making of a series of vases, bottles and bowls, wherein Eric will introduce nuanced tricks and studied techniques that will allow each participant to get more out of their wheel with just a few simple tools.

In the second week of the workshop, the expansive expertise of the entire Gaya ceramic and Design production studio will be made available to participants.  Beginning in the glaze lab, participants will get a glimpse of the rigorous and ever-exciting research endlessly ongoing to formulate hues and sheens to suit even the most particular of Gaya’s clientele.  Then, with the support of the finest of Gaya’s in-house technicians and instructors, all the details for perfectionist glazing will be revealed.  Participants will be guided in their own glazing for the final firing of works produced in the first week.

Sunday (15 July)                   Welcome Dinner                    MOKSA Restaurant
6-9pm: A deliciously relaxing evening of introductions, getting to know one another, and looking at an overview of the two weeks ahead.  Dinner will conclude with a slide presentation given by Eric Landon.

Monday (16 July)                  The Perfect Cylinder                                    GCAC
Beginning with the perfect cylinder is the starting point of all great vessels.

Tuesday (17 July)                  2 Elusive Bowl Forms                       GCAC
Moving on to his unique approach of throwing bowls, Eric will demonstrate two bowl forms in particular that elude many potters.
Afternoon: Eric will share his trimming techniques.

Wednesday (18 July)             4 Closed Forms                                  GCAC
Eric will demonstrate enclosed forms in 4 form types: a bulb-shaped vessel with small opening, a tall long-necked vessel, a shouldered bottle, and a peanut shaped vessel.

Thursday (19 July)                Larger Vessels                                   GCAC
Eric will demonstrate centering and throwing large amounts of clay to form a 5 kg and 10 kg vessel.

Eric will also demonstrate sectioning a vessel to give it a geometric appearance.

Friday (20 July)                     The 10th Vessel                                   GCAC                                   
The final form of the workshop will be left as a surprise—perhaps participant-requested, perhaps pulled out of the Tortus magic hat!

Saturday (21 July)                 Finishing Forms                                GCAC
It’s the final moment of finishing, trimming and wrapping up loose ends before leaving the works to be loaded for bisque-firing. 
Eric’s final day in the studio.
Lunch and farewells.
Afternoon FREE.

Sunday (22 July)
(B1: bisque-firing in studio—first half of works)

Monday (23 July)                  GAYA CAD
Morning: a tour of Gaya’s production ceramic facility, with particular attention paid to the glaze lab, the surface/glaze department, and the vast archives of production wares.

Afternoon: introduction to our selection of studio glazes and their characteristics.
Gaya’s glaze technician will join us in the arts center studio to first demonstrate a trio of signature Gaya slips, to be utilized on the greenware pieces yet to be bisque fired.
·         Volcanic sand slip
·         Rice Hull relief
·         Paper decal application
·         Textured carved surfaces
·         Sgrafitto using black or colored slips, or Dry Dark Brown

Time for finalizing greenware pieces with slips, etc. for loading at the end of the day.
Prepping wares for tomorrow’s glazing.

Tuesday (24 July)                  GLAZING
A more detailed introduction to the character of each of glazes, plus demonstrations of perfect glazing tips, and a selection of decorative options at the glaze stage.
·         Foot wax application, pros and cons (selecting type of wax)
·         Feathering drips into surface
·         Interior vs. exterior
·         Bringing out texture (inlaying glaze or oxide; glazes that “break” on sharp edges)
·         Painting with oxides for delicate or bold patterning
·         Glaze on glaze
·         Spray gun (when, why, application tips)

Glazing works selected for first high firing. 

G1: First Glaze Kiln to be loaded by the end of the day.
B2: second lot of bisque wares brought to GCAD

Wednesday (25 July)             EXCURSION
9am-2pm  A morning of utter wow and inspiration from two of the most stunning examples of exquisite craftsmanship and innovative design on the island.
·         John Hardy Jewelry factory and showroom
·         Green Village bamboo architecture
Late Lunch upon return to the studio.  Afternoon FREE.
G1: high fire glaze kiln firing GCAC
B2: second bisque kiln firing at GCAD

Thursday (26 July)                GLAZING part two
First firing unloaded.  Time for discussion and comparison of results.
Second batch of wares to be glazed. 
G2: second glaze kiln loaded by end of day

Friday (27 July)                     Morning Excursion
(Optional) Bali Temple Architectural tour: a guided cultural exploration of one of Ubud’s most beautiful and significant temples.  Traditional dress required (and will be discussed beforehand).           
Lunch and afternoon FREE
G2: second high fire glaze kiln firing GCAC

Saturday (28 July)                 Unveiling and Concluding
Unloading second glaze firing.
Concluding display of participant work and final conversation.
Wrapping and packaging for departure (packing materials supplied).
Lunch and Farewells.

*All lunches will be served daily noon-1pm family-style in the studio mezzanine (unless otherwise indicated).
**Details listed in this preliminary schedule are subject to change; a finalized version will be included in participant welcome package.
***B1, B2, G1, G2 is Gaya Ceramic note for firing activities by staff

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